![]() 11/10/2017 at 09:55 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Back in April of 2016, right after I got laid off, I took a road trip around the southeast. One of my last destinations was Savannah Georgia to visit my sister. Since she lives downtown and can walk to work, I picked her up in my 128i. The very first thing she said to me after getting in my car was “Oh, I’m surprised it’s not a manual.”
The second instance of something like this happening was one time when I went to visit one of my friends in Greenville South Carolina. He usually drove if we went somewhere, but for some reason we were taking the 3. He gets into my car and was says “why are there M’s everywhere?”
I didn’t really have a good answer for either of them.
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I’ve gotten a few noise and ride stiffness complaints... Can’t really blame them.
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My wife hated that in my 135is the cup holders were so small, and that the second one could only be accessed by raising the armrest which then blocked her access to the back seat. This made for irritating road trips because she usually brings a bag o’ random crap on a road trip and we both have drinks.
In my 335xi the cup holders still suck but at least their use is not mutually exclusive of the armrest. But I hate if she finishes a can of soda or seltzer or whatever and then leaves it in the cup holder since the stupid E92 cup holders get all rattly with an empty can of soda.
She hated getting in and out of both of them being low down to the ground, and the long heavy doors that are difficult to open all the way if there’s a car parked next to her side of the car.
After one of my recent big repair bills on the 335xi she made some kind of comment like, “I liked it better when you had your Jeeps. They were easier to ride in and and you were crafty with getting them fixed for cheap.”
(I had those Jeeps as companions to the 135is, but I guess that’s not the point.)
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I don’t get that first one
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In the Fiesta? Totally.
That’s generally why I drive people in the CX-3, they don’t really get the ST.
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I have had a friend ask me “how can you make only 2 wheels move”. That was soon after I did a burnout to obliterate the old set of tires before I got the new rubber on.
I also have had friend tell me that all cars look alike, same 4 doors, 2 headlights in front, red lights in back. That’s when I nod my head and say “yep”.
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gross oversimplification:
E90M3 (to sister): save the manuals
E90M3: manuals are awesome
E90M3: i drive stick so should you
E90M3: stroking shafts is fun
*E90M3 buys an automatic*
sister: wat
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My wife turned the RX-8 off cold once, and it had to be towed. She never forgave it for that, or for any of its quirks after that. That’s the non-enthusiast, cars must be convenient and nothing will redeem them if they are not. To be fair, plenty of enthusiasts don’t get the RX-8 either.
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I have a thing for manual BMWs, so my sister was surprised that I bought an auto.
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Cars are magic and all Nova sedans confirmed.
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I can understand the complaints about the cup holders.
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Ah ok, I was looking for the “clueless non-enthusiast” bit, as it is in the second instance
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Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up
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Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up
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Eh, it’s one thing if a car is impractical because it’s cramped, or too low, or gets bad fuel economy. But I really can’t defend a modern car that literally bricks itself if you try to operate it like a normal car.
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I mean... why isn’t is a manual ?
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My 135is didn’t even have that one! That one comes with iDrive because adding the iDrive knob subtracts one of the cup holders.
On the non-iDrive 1 series, you can use the front cup holder with the armrest, but you have to raise the armrest to reach the rear cup holder. Judging by the pic, I bet the one remaining center cup holder is also covered by the armrest.
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I went from a 2002 4Runner to a 2003 pathfinder and even after a year of owning it all my friends would still compliment me on how sick my 4Runner is. I would just point out that not only are they different models, they aren’t even the same color. And The 4Runner had frickin gold wheels!!!
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“You like to buy pretty things.”
Yes, so should everyone. She and her boyfriend recently got a new Rav4.
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I was pleased with the generous cupholder size in the Explorer.
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How long do you have to let it run before killing the engine?
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Inquiring minds want to know...
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Yeah, that’s how it was in my non-drive 128i.
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Cause I sort of bought it on an impulse and it was cheap.
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“Why didn’t you warn me?” - After a 2nd or 3rd gear pull. Because asking if you want a ride in a bright red Corvette wasn’t warning enough.
“Woah, leather, heated seats and it’s quick. Didn’t expect that” - After getting in the Legacy GT. No one expects it, that’s the point! But apparently they expect cloth interior covered with dog hair in a Subaru. Then I usually have to explain what a sleeper is.
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I went to visit a girl and we were in the M3 on the highway and I make a comment about going around slow people and showing them what third gear does. She then proceeds to ask what third gear does. I downshift to third and floor it. She freaked out a little bit.
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A few minutes depending on temp. You can get around it though by revving the engine to redline and cutting off. This blows out any extra fuel and keeps it from messing up the seals.
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I hope you said, “Consider yourself enlightened.” afterwards.
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Narrow definition of normal you’ve got friend. It leaves out McClarens, Paganis, and also M cars, basically anything that needs a little extra care over a Camry.
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“You have heated seats and a fancy stereo? I didn’t know cars had that in 2004.”
In my head: *Bruh*
What I said: “Yeah, the technology has been around for a while.”
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Now, I don’t turn my M3 off before it’s gotten up to temperature.
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The S65 in my E90 needs very little fussing over, other than letting the engine warm up in the first few minutes of driving before really winding it out (good advice for any engine).
It does go through more oil than a Camry, and that oil it not cheap...
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All of those cars start/stop perfectly normally with The push of a button. No need to rev them or let them warm up like an RX-8.
///M cars (particularly the E92 V8 and E60 V10) drink oil like there’s no tomorrow, but they drive like normal cars.
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Yep. Though the noise is my fault. It’s loud.
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Mine too!
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I very much dislike that
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BMW doesn’t do cup holders very well.
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Did she forgive the constant coil pack replacement or the constant fear or an apex seal failing and leaving you on the side of the road? My wife forgave the apex seal fear, but not the apex seal failure.
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“I think your car is broken. It keeps making popping noises everytime you let off the gas.”
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One time I was driving a coworker home at night. This was when I had my manual trans Ford Ranger. We drove about 10-15 minutes before I got into fifth, and when I did so my hand brushed his leg. He looked down and said “Oh, this is a manual?”
Although they normally just say things like, “Why can you just drive a decent car that’s not a POS?”
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agreed! That is the type I have experience with and it was awful.
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Thank you.
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My RX-8 drove like a normal car. It did it for me for 13 years, in fact.
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My point, exactly. There are plenty of engines out there that require a little extra care to perform at their best and be maintained properly over time.
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Had the coil pack changed once in 13 years, but not because of failure, more because of age and to prevent failure.
The car never stranded me, but I did have to get jumped after I ran out the battery.
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Something something, coffee stains.
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My best 4Runner complaint/comment: “dude why are you merging like a jackass, get up to speed first”
My response: “Foot has been on the floor since we entered the on-ramp”
Also: “Why are you driving so slow?”
Me: “Obviously because we’re going uphill”
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At this point I’m almost committed to manuals for the amount of flak I would take if I ever got an auto
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my dog would be shocked if i got an auto
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What happpens, does it foul spark plugs and coil packs?
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My mother doesn’t understand how to work the shifter in my dad’s BMW X3. To be fair, she hasn’t owned many automatics, but he’s owned the car since 2015 and she has to ask me every time.
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Those BMW shifters can be confusing at first. My dad’s 135is has the same shifter in it and it took me a minute to get it.
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I’ll give you the best one of all, but it didn’t happen to me. A friend of mine and famous auto journalist once had a highly paying day job (not at liberty to say what, as it’s a societally controversial one) and owned 2 Volkswagen Phaetons at once. He had a friend ride in it, and when she went to go buy a Volkswagen Jetta she was surprised it didn’t have pop up cupholders.
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The engine runs rich when cold. If you turn it off cold, excess fuel gets left in the chambers and so it is prone to flooding when you try to start it. The fuel also seeps into the apex seals and can compromise compression. So, you want to make sure the extra is blown out before you shut it down.
Coils also work extra hard in the rotary, and so commonly fail sooner.
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What, uh, what is that cup holder attached to in the picture? Does it fold away?
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I think it’s because cup holders are very non german like
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It goes into a slot in the center console. You just pull it out to make it go away.
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my cousin referring to an 86: “Why is that 80's econobox iconic?”
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No they don’t.
E39 engineers “CRAP the Americans want cup holders!”
BMW interior designers “I got you fam”
RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CLIMATE CONTROL. And any cups bigger than that covers the fan speed and both climate zone controllers.... Also have I mentioned they break ALL the time because cheap BMW plastic
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One of my high school friends had an E28, can confirm that the cup holders were shit.
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...you mean nonexistent? The E28 didn’t have cupholders. Neither did theE30 or E34. I solved the problem in my E34 with one of these (mine was a manual, but you get the idea):
The first BMW with factory cupholders I had was an E46, and the E46's cupholders are rendered nearly useless by the armrest.
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I meant to say E39, my brain is fried.
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*Going up hill on PA 22*
Friend: “Why are you slowing down and doing 40 in a 55?”
Me: Foot is to the floor
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When I’ve been driving my E36 for awhile and not touched the 4Runner I forget that I need to downshift and build momentum before the hill, if I downshift once I’ve started climbing it’s already too late.
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you can re-arrange the parts of the center console to get one of the cup holders free of the armrest in an e46. when I first got mine the coin slot was in front of the cupholders, leaving both of them covered by the armrest. I put the coin slot in the back and the cup holders in the front.
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That’s how I arranged mine too, but then the front one is too close to the shifter and the back one is under the armrest.
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just get yourself a ZHP weighted shift knob(assuming you have a 6-speed). It’s like an inch shorter than the stock one and feels so much better, and doesn’t interfere with the shifter
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I had an SMG M3, so I didn’t have the taller stock E46 knob anyway. I should have been using the paddles anyway, but old habits die hard...I often found myself reaching for the knob. It’s moot now: I sold it last summer and now drive a C63 AMG.
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A couple hours after you turn on the car. It’s an exaggeration but it takes forever for a twin turbo 4.4 massaged by M to warm up. Don’t know if that’s the case with the m3 but that’s what it’s like in the m5
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It takes like 5-10 minutes in the M3.